Geriatric Dental Clinic
Design and fit-up of a dental clinic serving the geriatric community. The plan is compact and efficient, the circulation simple and direct for stretcher access. Compartments are conceived with screens rather than partitions: the short interior corridor with offset sliding doors on each side becomes part of the visual space of the adjoining rooms, providing a sense of openness while retaining visual privacy.
Hospital for the Elderly: Public Space and Dining Terrace
A long term hospital is as much a home as it is a medical facility for the people in its care. Where possible, the intention is to replace the clinical character with a more welcoming family-oriented atmosphere and amenities, while retaining institutional standards for cleanliness and durability.
The master plan for the ground floor was modeled on a residential hotel. An exterior terrace extends the dining area into the landscape. A series of subtle interior changes are proposed (colour, materials, lighting, artwork, photos and memorabilia), as well as a new “family room” with an electric fireplace, panelled walls, and a salt water aquarium.
Dental clinic study
Dental clinic plan
Dining terrace view - Structure
Dining terrace view - Deck
Dining terrace view - Tables
Ground floor corridor plan
Sitting area view
Aquarium view